Hair Removal Tips For A Newly Pregnant Gal From A New Mom

We recently sat down with one of our resident new mommies, Lindsey Barton, who also happens to be our operations director at Shobha. Lindsey has an adorable (almost) 2 year old that we all think as of our own because we saw her go from Lindsey’s belly to the vibrant & beautiful little toddler she’s grown into. Lindsey will give it to you straight about anything & has been working with us at Shobha for 9 years(!!) so we requested her sage words to help you newly pregnant moms out there when it comes time to find your hairless happiness.

Q: Lindsey, if you’re newly pregnant but you haven’t told anyone, should you tell your waxer?
A: Yes, tell her. Be honest so she can make it more comfortable for you. You shouldn’t be laying flat on your back so she can recline the bed a little bit for you & that’s true throughout your pregnancy which is typically the position we do the bikini & Brazilian in so you’re going to want to let her know.

Q: Did getting a bikini wax feel different when you were pregnant?
A: Yes. You will also be more sensitive because there’s more blood flow which will make you more sensitive. Also, stretching the skin to help in the process might feel different or uncomfortable because you’ve got a baby down there now so you might have to go to the bathroom.

Q: Are the products used during a Shobha bikini wax safe for pregnant women &/or the baby?
A: Yes. You always want to check with your doctor but at Shobha we always use the most effective products for our services & they are made with safe ingredients. At the end of each treatment we offer hydrocortisone cream (that typically has trace amounts of steroids) to help reduce irritation & inflammation. A lot of people don’t like to use steroids when they’re pregnant, but the amount in the cream we use is very minimal, so you’d probably be ok but you always want to consult with your doctor. The other thing that you can use is restorative skin balm from cv skinlabs, it’s a non-steroid alternative to hydrocortisone cream.

Q: Is it physically safe to get a bikini wax while pregnant?
A: Yes, but you want to understand that when you get a bikini wax (pregnant or not) your pores are open & make them more prone to infection. Any kind of bacteria, even from your own skin, can get in there & cause various types of skin infections. While pregnant you’re not able to take (many) antibiotics to treat these issues so if you can’t medicate, you’re going to be pretty uncomfortable if you get any type of infection after a bikini wax, which can happen to anyone (pregnant or not) so proper aftercare is super important.

Check back on Friday for the second half of our hair removal tips for a newly pregnant gal from a new mom.

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