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Chai & Mighty…

From Starbucks & Dunkin Donuts to the Corner Coffee Cart & your break room machine, Chai {tea drinks} seems to be popping up everywhere nowadays.  I love Chai, but have…

The Top 10 Things You Never Knew About Shobha!

Guess what guys?  Shobha is turning 10 in just a few months!  Remember how it felt when you turned 10?  Finally old enough to rule the playground…& realize that, just…

A Personal Roadmap For Hairless Happiness

These days most places you can find with your GPS on your fancy smartphone or do an old school google search & print it out (*ahem* like me) to find…

Happy Rooms

Ever wonder what a place will look like when you’ve never been there before? & you absolutely have no idea what to expect?  I am pretty sure that we have…

top blogs we cannot live without (part deux)

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since we have so many loves out there in the blogosphere we couldn’t just stop at one list of our faves. so here it is part…

Q&A With Shobha Tummala

Q: What is Shobha all about? A: Shobha is an indie beauty company specializing in hair removal.  Our team’s mission is to be your #1 choice for hair removal services…

Scary & Hairy

Happy Halloween!  We’ve all seen (& maybe even had!) some frighteningly overgrown brows, ferocious five o’clock shadows and some terribly bushy…well…bushes. Those are scary indeed, but have you been spooked…

Q&A With Shobha Tummala

Q: What was the inspiration behind opening hair removal salons? A: I spent my early years in Hyderabad, India under the care of my grandparents, who each infused natural rituals…