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Category: Botox®

While you can resume your daily life and activities immediately, we do recommend that you take a few precautions for optimal results.

  • No straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for 3-4 hours following treatment. It is now known that it takes the neurotoxin approximately 2 hours to bind itself to the nerve to start its work, and because we do not want to increase circulation to that area to wash away the Botox from where it was injected.
  • Avoid manipulation of area for 3-4 hours following treatment. (For the same reasons listed above.) This includes not doing a facial, peel or micro-dermabrasion after treatment with Botox. A facial, peel, or micro-dermabrasion can be done in the same appointment only if they are done before the Botox.
  • Facial exercises in the injected areas are recommended for 1 hour following treatment, to stimulate the binding of the neurotoxin to this localized area.
  • Do not lie down or bend over for 3-4 hours following treatment.
  • Please remember that it can take 2-10 days to take full effect. We want to see you in 10-14 days for a follow up appointment.
  • Please avoid applying Retin-A, Glycolic acid, Vitamin C, and Kinerase for 24 hours to the treated areas.
Category: Botox®

Make-up may be applied to the area before leaving.

Category: Botox®

Typically you will see results as early as 3 days, but more likely between 5-7 days post-injection. Full, optimal results usually take up to 14 days to appear. So make sure if you have an event coming up that you want to look your best for, you schedule your appointment at least 2 weeks in advance. Results can last up to 3-6 months depending on how your body responds to the neurotoxin. Results will vary from person to person.

Category: Botox®

We want to make sure you are happy with your results. We have found the best way to ensure this is to see you after 10-14 days when the Botox has taken effect. There are some cases where we might want to inject a few more units to get the desired result. We would rather under inject in the first appointment and inject a few more units on your second visit to ensure you LOVE your results.