Stylin’ & Profilin’ | Brows That Wow: Q&A With Shobha DC

Article by: Bethonie
Published: August 7, 2013
Topics: Shobha Tummala, Threading
Photo Credit: Stylin' & Profilin'

I’m a quarter Mexican and my eyebrows are proof of this. I’m kidding. Sort of.

I experimented with home wax kits in high school, but never really gave much thought to my brows until a friend confronted me in college. Next thing you know, I was on a table in the back room of a College Park, Md., nail salon (it was college, people) getting my eyebrows waxed. That started a trend of pretty regular waxing sessions, but with stars like Lily Collins getting attention for having fuller brows — there’s a Twitter account dedicated to homegirl’s eyebrows — I’ve been feeling like I got the short end of the wax stick.

What are the benefits of threading brows vs. waxing/tweezing?So, when I got word that Shobha Brow & Bikini Wax Salon — an NYC staple — was setting up shop in D.C., I had to get in touch with the hair removal gurus to get the 411 on the latest brow trends. Their brow treatments focus on threading, not waxing. I wanted to know why. Here’s an edited version of our Q&A:

The threading process is simple and involves a piece of thread that is twisted and pulled along areas of unwanted hair, acting like a mini-lasso and individually lifting hair follicles directly from the root.

Some of the best benefits are:

(1) Threading is 100% natural, there are no artificial waxes, chemicals, or invasive techniques used.

(2) Unlike with tweezing, threading removes even peach fuzz, so you can avoid that bothersome grow-out period.

(3) Most people who breakout from waxing tend to have much better results with threading.

(4) Also, threading is dermatologist-recommended for individuals who are currently using skin-thinning medications like Accutane and Retin-A.

(5) Threading is very precise and allows our specialists to have greater control over which hairs are removed than waxing, resulting in a better brow shape.

The most requested celebrity brows by Shobha clients include Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Mila Kunis and Minka Kelly. (Photos:
The most requested celebrity brows by Shobha clients include Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Mila Kunis and Minka Kelly. (Photos:

What’s the best way to prepare for having your eyebrows threaded? Is the process different if you’ve been a longtime waxer or tweezer?

The best way to prep your brows is not to touch them! Resist the urge to tweeze, so that  your specialist has the most to work with when you come in for a treatment.

Does threading hurt?

The sensation is unique, as a piece of thread is gliding along your skin.  In terms of pain or discomfort, threading is most comparable to tweezing as it’s pulling the hair from the root, but not removing the top layers of skin like wax can.

Are there any trends that Shobha clients have been particularly interested in?

Fuller brows seem to be more in fashion, but we also recommend that clients opt for brows that will complement their other facial features, which doesn’t always mean fuller. (If you’re not sure which brow shape is best for you, check out Shobha’s helpful guide.)

The most requested celebrity brows by our clients include Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Mila Kunis and Minka Kelly.

For more information on Shobha Brow & Bikini Wax Salon, visit

Stay beautiful,

Bethonie, S&P Beauty Contributor