Certified Fabulous | Keep Your Bumps at Bay

Article by: Tara
Published: April 7, 2012
Topics: ingrown relief, Shobha Products
Photo Credit: Certified Fabulous

Hi all, and happy beautiful spring Tuesday! The weather is absolutely incredible in Boston right now, and its fun to begin thinking of the summer pool and beach trips that aren’t so far off!

Year after year, I get so excited by the warm weather, yet still so bummed out by the preparations that go along with warm weather activities…like the dreaded waxing. Yesterday Sara gave us a great run down on how to prevent bikini bumps, so I thought I’d share my favorite product for this with you today.

Shobha—the NYC hair removal chain—makes some awesome post-waxing products. Of these my favorite is the ingrown relief lotion.When used properly (in addition to regular exfoliation, and application immediately post shower), this product really does the trick. Plus, unlike many similar products, it doesn’t irritate my skin or clog my pores. It’s a definite winner!

Hope you’re all enjoying this weather and sun. Until next week, this is Tara signing off and wishing you all the best!