Shobha Bikini Treatments

Topics: Posts, Sugaring & Waxing

When it comes to bikini treatments it’s pretty difficult to understand all of the differences between them.  It varies from salon to salon & from country to country.  So, if you are in need of a crash course in bikini hair removal options, read on. Shobha offers three kinds of bikini sugaring/waxing services:

The Bikini Line

The bikini line is very simple & the it hurts the least.  This treatment is best described as the cleanup of the sides, the hair exposed while wearing a swimsuit.

The Full Bikini

The full bikini starts off like a bikini line but includes the option of shaping the top of the triangle & goes a little deeper into the sides. There is a misconception that a full bikini includes everything, but as you read further you will learn that this is not true.

The Brazilian Bikini

The Brazilian gives the option of removing absolutely everything. All of the hair in front, back & in between is removed.  Leave a landing strip or bare it all (the ‘triangle’ on top is probably the most sensitive part despite what you might think about the more southern regions).

Now that you have all of the necessary info, try one of the bikini waxes/sugaring offered at Shobha!


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