DIY Dumbbells

It’s that time of year to tone up for a season full of less clothes & less body hair. It also happens to be the time of year when wedding season springs anew – yay! In fact, our very own Alexis (aka our organizational development director) is getting hitched in less than a month (read: so exciting!!!) so she’s in full-time bridal bootcamp mode.

As a result, a small group of us gather daily (ok, maybe a couple times a week) to lift some weights to get our arms red carpet ready for all the exciting events (& tank tops) the warmer weather warrants.

Here’s the skinny: when we began, we have one set of legit weights, so when we’re not sharing those we’re lifting pretty much whatever we can get our hands on, like reams of paper or Shobha products. Naturally this presented an opportunity to get crafty – & scrappy…. Now without further adieu, we have an easy way to make your own DIY dumbbells.

To make one dumbbell you’ll need:

  • 2 cans of Shobha Sugaring Gel (or you can use any weighty canned good like beans or tomatoes) – you can add more as you need it, stud muffin
  • 1 Shobha tote (or any cloth shopping tote with long handles)


  1. Open cloth tote & place sugaring gel cans inside
  2. Close tote with handles out & fold bag down over the cans
  3. With the handles still out start rolling the bag from the middle
  4. Wrap the handles around the middle of the bag
  5. Pull the end of the handles through to secure with a quick knot
  6. Grasp the middle of your weight & pump some iron… err sugaring gel
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